Many died.
Many survived.
They died because, for, instead of...
They lived because, for, despite, beyond...
This is the report from many disasters--- any disaster-- tragedy, war, catastrophe, atrocity.
We generate lists of names and places, numbers and statistics.
What do we say beyond the numbers?
What do we know beyond the news and the obituaries?.
Who tells the story behind the reports?
Who builds memorials with bricks of words?
Who sings the requiems and the elegies, the accolades and the odes, the laudations and heroic hymns?
Through time, around the globe, individually and collectively, we have often found poetry to be the mortar that builds the monuments, hoists new flags, reminds us, informs us, challenges us, sustains us and raises us up.
...experiences that are the result of societal injustice, the depredations of the state, or sins of omission--specifically war, imprisonment, torture and political oppression of various kinds...
While her first volume examines world poetry, her second and newest collection examines the poetry of witness written in English over the last 500 years.
In the following film, she talks about the concept of poetry of witness:
For more on her ideas read the article: Reading the Living Archives: The Witness of Literary Art .
Nelson Mandela, a man we know lived in the extreme, recognized and reviewed Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness
Poetry cannot block a bullet or still a sjambok, but it can bear witness to brutality—thereby cultivating a flower in a graveyard. Carolyn Forché's Against Forgetting is itself a blow against tyranny, against prejudice, against injustice. It bears witness to the evil we would prefer to forget, but never can—and never should.
Her collection, The Country Between Us
Read her poem, The Colonel by clicking here.
Poetry of Witness
Bearing witness, reminding us, making us look-- exposing us to that which often remains hidden or forgotten.
Poetry of Witness
Standing in hope in the face of danger, torture, death, evil-- hopelessness.
Poetry of Witness
Coming to terms with the evil and destruction we humans do-- reclaiming and collectively resisting in the extreme.
In her poem The End and the Beginning, Wyslawa Szymborska reminds us
After every war
someone has to clean up.
Things won’t
straighten themselves up, after all.
She also reminds us of the importance of remembering, witnessing --and poet-ing
Someone, broom in hand,
still recalls the way it was.
Someone else listens
and nods with unsevered head.
But already there are those nearby
starting to mill about
who will find it dull.To read Szymborska's complete poem click here.
I say that after every extreme-- after every event which takes away hope, after every act that makes us less than human-- someone must write a poem, to make us human again.
What have you witnessed in your life? In the world?
What is your story, your act, your poem of witness?
You may want to read my previous and related posts
Poetry of Resilience
Poetry: A Place to Stand
Poetry in a Time of Pain
Today's Deeper Writing Possibilities
Remember and reflect on a time you (or someone else) lived in the extreme- politically, personally, or professionally.
What do others need to know to redeem that time?
What do others need to remember to insure the future?
What sustained you during this time?
What lessons are there in your experience that remind us all of our humanity and help us resist evil?
Write a poem of witness.
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