Jen Lemke, one of our Columbus Area Writing Project Teacher Consultants, and I co-led a session that dealt with quick writes and mentor texts.
We led our participants through a sample quick write which considered metaphors and how they influence both our teaching and our lives . (See related quick write, Metaphors We Live By, in Deeper Writing: Quick Writes and Mentor Texts to Illuminate New Possibilities.)
We shared many potential mentor texts, and in the second session, had time to write and share.
Responses to the prompt were rich and varied, demonstrating the flexibility and power of quick writes.
One response led to this post
Justin Fitch, one of our session participants, wrote about walls our students (or any person) might experience, and how that experience is not recognized or understood if we haven't run into those same or similar walls.
At the time I was struck by the notion of walls as a prompt for writing and immediately thought of several books that might serve as mentor texts to expand this idea and provide writing possibilities.
In ancient time walls, were built around cities to protect those within. But we all know that walls also isolate and divide, imprison, hide and separate ... and stop us in our tracks.
What are the various walls we encounter?
How do they affect us? How do they affect others?
How does this wall divide and isolate?
What does this wall show us? What does it hide?
How do we destroy walls that imprison or isolate? How do we pull down walls that hide the truth and keep us from living in the world?
How do we find out what is on the other side? How do we pull down walls and work together?
Who can help us recognize the walls in our lives? Who can stand beside us in the rain and pull down the walls-- brick by brick?
What are the walls in your life?
What truth do they keep you from seeing?
What world do they keep you from knowing?
Today's Deeper Writing Possibilities
Identify walls in your own life.
Who erected the walls? How can you destroy the walls?
What will you find on the other side?
Write an autobiographical piece about the walls in your life.
Try writing a parable about the same events.
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